That was the title of my last tweet. Funny, hah?
I thought of Papa's pizzeria, og hamburgeria or tacoria or whatever.
In this game (yes it's a game!) there is this guy coming to your restaurant
(yes, you have your own restaurant!) He is very pirkete, and you have to be very focused when making his food. If you fail (oh no, a failure!), he goes away. He isn't really what you can call
a stamgjest. Not even if you doesn't fail. It takes some time until he's back.
You know, he is kind of av Michelin guy. French. Mr. something. He is busy,
he can't pop into your restaurant
all day either (can't he? jeez, I told you he wasn't a stamgjest!)
Well, he is busy. Let us settle that. But he will leave a trace, a pretty
one, indeed. A magical blue ribbon. I think it's magical, it is to me.
It makes me proud, and the customers gives you more tips, if I remember
But he doesn't give you a red ribbon if you fail (failure!!!!!!!!).
He should, I think, but he doesn't.
That's why I wrote blue ribbons, not red.
ribbons, not ribbon? wh...
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