Jeg veide meg faktisk både i går og i dag. Litt rart var det at vekten viste mer i morges enn i går kveld. Vanligvis skal det jo være omvendt, men slik har det jo vært så mange ganger før at jeg ikke kan klage. Poenget er jo at jeg veier for mye. Akkurat nå gidder jeg ikke å diskutere hvorfor jeg kaller det "for mye". Den har jeg tatt altfor mange ganger før. Det viktigste nå er at jeg tar noen grep for å få stoppet dette. Helst ville jeg bare kuttet vekk en del av magen. Dernest hadde det vært greit å gi meg selv støt om kvelden, der jeg går ut på kjøkkenet hvert tiende minutt for å småspise. Videre skulle jeg ønske jeg slapp å spise, og heller bare gå på vann. Slik som hydrogenbusser eller noe slikt. Litt salt hadde kanskje vært greit, men altså ikke noe mat. Så skulle jeg gjerne hatt det tankesettet til veteranene på jobben som gjør at de ikke rører kringleskalkene. Nå skulle jeg vel kommet på flere smarte, forferdelige, kreative ideer, men det med å slippe å spise hadde vært så supert, selv om det er kjedelig, slik at jeg lar det stå med den.
Jeg vet i alle fall at jeg ikke skal "begynne å trene", det høres bare så oppbrukt og løst i mine ører at jeg blir kvalm. Litt som en hore. Kanskje jeg skal snakke mer om horer og trening at jeg blir så kvalm at jeg ikke orker mat. Kan faktisk fungere det.
tirsdag 24. september 2013
onsdag 11. september 2013
Why people leave my blog
this thing will be with nothing like this: .
it was the only one
ill write with a lot of writing errors
right and delete
i wont look down on my tastatur
hundreds of people die every year
im not one of those
i am not dead
but im dying all the time
youve probably heard that before
dont think about it
i do
but then again, i think way too much
thats why i blog
when im not really
cappuccinos have way too little coffee
and way too much milk
or, nottt wayyyyy too much
but more than i want
or wanted
at that point
'bout a kvartter ago
but then it was toooo late
i had paid
she had made
i found out now that i don't wanna write with many writing errors
its too bad to read
you dont wanna know what im doing
where i am
whos here
who i am
so i wont tell ya
you could rather ask me
people asking me is the best thing i know
(one of)--------------/(arrow)
ok, i have to write some of these annoying things
one of the things that make people leave me
i care?
ok lets say i do
wonder why the woman outside was smart enough to
a normal coffee
while i didnt
ill do next time
oh, wait
you know why?
because next time my coffee at this place will be free
why is it so that you must have experienced some,,,
oh, forget it
it was probably wrong anyway
i dont wanna say anything thats wrong
but i do
so i dont mind trying to avoid it
what i try to do
is to avoid saying something unødvendig
Thats the
reason I
never par-
ticipate in debates at school Everything people say
has already been said
in one way or another
by the others or
by someone else,,,
you saw what i did there?
Yes, i rimembre
i splitted up the sentences in a confusing way
'cause i didnt like the theme
it is nice to be dying
(i looked down
at my tastatur)
i will try it again sometime
if I
the damn chance
it was the only one
ill write with a lot of writing errors
right and delete
i wont look down on my tastatur
hundreds of people die every year
im not one of those
i am not dead
but im dying all the time
youve probably heard that before
dont think about it
i do
but then again, i think way too much
thats why i blog
when im not really
cappuccinos have way too little coffee
and way too much milk
or, nottt wayyyyy too much
but more than i want
or wanted
at that point
'bout a kvartter ago
but then it was toooo late
i had paid
she had made
i found out now that i don't wanna write with many writing errors
its too bad to read
you dont wanna know what im doing
where i am
whos here
who i am
so i wont tell ya
you could rather ask me
people asking me is the best thing i know
(one of)--------------/(arrow)
ok, i have to write some of these annoying things
one of the things that make people leave me
i care?
ok lets say i do
wonder why the woman outside was smart enough to
a normal coffee
while i didnt
ill do next time
oh, wait
you know why?
because next time my coffee at this place will be free
why is it so that you must have experienced some,,,
oh, forget it
it was probably wrong anyway
i dont wanna say anything thats wrong
but i do
so i dont mind trying to avoid it
what i try to do
is to avoid saying something unødvendig
Thats the
reason I
never par-
ticipate in debates at school Everything people say
has already been said
in one way or another
by the others or
by someone else,,,
you saw what i did there?
Yes, i rimembre
i splitted up the sentences in a confusing way
'cause i didnt like the theme
it is nice to be dying
(i looked down
at my tastatur)
i will try it again sometime
if I
the damn chance
søndag 1. september 2013
Da har jeg fått meg kjæreste
Navnet hans høres ut som en tryllekunstner, vi møttes på Hypercamp, han er allergisk mot pelsdyr. Men han tar tabletter, så det går bra. Vi har kysset en del denne helgen, så dette blir den ultimate testen på om det virkelig er slik at jeg aldri blir syk. Spennende
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